The Intuitive Woman

A one-to-one intuitive coaching journey that helps you activate and connect with the power of your own female energy to change the way you do business and life.

The A,B,Cs of male and female energy

Every body has access to male and female energy. If you look at these energies neutrally, there’s no good or bad. Male energy is naturally action-biased; female energy is naturally receptive. They both have their value.

Change the game you’re playing

In male dominated industries and environments, it’s the norm for women to match to men, running all male energy because that’s what’s setting the tone holistically. On the surface, this makes sense because women generally get validated by men for this.

And yet, women then lose out on a core benefit that their own female energy gives them: receptivity is fundamentally easier on the female body because women are already built to run it (as well as the fact that it takes a lot less effort to call something to you rather than to go get it).

You get to choose

That’s why I created this program.

My mission is to guide women into their own energy and answers–rather than be the effect of someone else setting the tone in the world around them. I work one-on-one with women through a mix of intuitive coaching, reading and deep healing work.  

I had a similar journey

I grew up a tomboy and all I wanted when I was younger was to be a boy. I thought boys had it better, easier. As I leaned into my business career and succeeded at an executive level, nothing that I saw or experienced changed my perception of that. It wasn’t until 20 years ago when I started honing my intuition, learning about, then teaching female energy that my viewpoint started to change. Embracing my own female energy radically transformed my life for the better: I started valuing myself without needing external validation, I began to love my body, I felt empowered to create a life that was truly mine. I can now truly say that I’m so happy that I was born a woman.

Where you’re at

You have a hard time understanding, liking or accepting your female body and you want to feel good, strong and whole instead 

You’re interested in separating from the programming you’ve been given about being a woman and want to find your own answers

You feel like you have to prove yourself, especially to men and you’re ready to own your value and worth as a woman

You want to understand female energy and how to shift into it and you’re open to changing how you show up in the world

The Process 


If you’re interested, you’ll book a free 20-minute consult so we can discuss your goals and see what package and timing would be right for you.


Once you’re onboard, we start with a 60-minute kick-off call to deep dive into your life experience as a woman. That will give us a baseline to start from. You come out of it with a roadmap for our work together.


The rest of our sessions are based on what we outlined together and are tailored to what you’re trying to get out of this program.

Topics & benefits 

  • Learn what your core programming is around being a woman in this lifetime

  • Unpack what’s getting in the way of you running your female energy

  • Understand how your female energy vibrates and feels to you 

  • Learn how to access and turn on your female energy 

  • Discover what shifts are going to help you set the tone in your life

  • Learn how to stay in a receptive state 

  • Gain seniority in how to run your female energy in different environments

Program Options

Three Months


Two monthly payments of $1,575

  • 6 Sessions, 90-minutes each 

  • Sessions scheduled 2x/month

  • Recorded Sessions 

  • Monthly payment plans

Six Months 


Three monthly payments of $1,995

  • 12 Sessions, 90-minutes each 

  • Sessions scheduled 2x/month

  • Recorded Sessions 

  • Monthly payment plans

  • Offers 5% discount


  • The three-month option is a starting point. You’ve had some of these pictures, programs and energies your entire life; they don’t unravel in 90 days. But if you want to learn the basics and take a step, this is a good starting place. If you’re ready to lean into this growth period with a deeper level of commitment, the six-month program is a better fit.

  • We meet twice a month via the same Zoom link for the duration of our work together. 

  • Our psychic classes at Clairity School are for anyone who wants to dive into their intuitive abilities. This program, on the other hand, is made for women who want to learn about themselves regardless of whether they want to have a psychic skillset. The other big difference is that it’s a 1:1 program where it’s tailored to you and your unique situation. It includes coaching, reading, healing and overall mentorship. 

  • Yes, this work is tailored to you and what you want out of your life as a woman. You’re welcome to continue for a year. I ask women to take a break after a year so that they can integrate all the information they’ve received. 

Interested in learning more?

Book a 20-minute free consult so we can discuss if this program is a good fit for you and next steps.