Intuitive Growth Hacking

Leverage intuition to give you instant, actionable insights that help your business thrive.

Better decisions faster

Whether you’re an entrepreneur who started your own dream or a business leader running a team, one of the key questions is always: “Where do you invest your or your company’s time and resources in the most efficient manner possible to help your business succeed?”

Deciding where to spend marketing dollars, what hires to make, what to sell and how to talk to your customer are just a few of the many attention points needed to run a successful business. It can be overwhelming. Intuitive Growth Hacking can cut through all the noise to give you instant feedback and directional recommendations, on the spot.

Maximum output, minimal effort

As a marketing lead for startups, mid-size companies and Fortune 500s, I got hands on experience running teams and organizations. As an entrepreneur running my own intuitive business, I know first-hand what it’s like to feel overwhelmed trying to make the hundreds of decisions needed to move a business forward. I created this program for people like me (and you!) that want maximum output with minimal effort.

You work better in your business when you’re aligned mind, body and spirit 

It’s not just about making the right business choices though. Quite often, business leaders don’t thrive because of their own limiting beliefs. Fear of failure, fear of success, past rejection or traumas – they all can play a role in how an endeavor plays out. While knowing how to spend your time and money is important, knowing yourself is invaluable.

This is for you if

You’re already a business owner or leader who wants to streamline where you put time and resources to maximize your output

You’re open to leveraging intuition as another tool in your wheelhouse of good business decision-making

You understand that working through your own limits will help you in both your business and personal life and are worth investing in

How you can use this service

  • Read potential new hires and make recommendation that are the best fit for the position and aligned to your culture

  • Review team dynamics and get helpful recommendations

  • Look at how to overcome key challenges or stuck areas in your business

  • Look at the messaging to your different stakeholders to see if it’s tracking and converting customers

  • See what marketing tactics are beneficial to spend your money on 

  • See where you should be focusing your time and money in your business at the macro and micro levels

  • Look at potential investors and read who may be a good fit, see if their intentions are aligned with what they’re saying, etc. 

  • See what would help you developmentally be a better leader in terms of behaviors, skill and abilities

  • Read what limits are affecting your ability to bring your business to the next level

The Process 


If you’re interested, you’ll book a free 20-minute consult so we can discuss your goals and see what package and timing would be right for you.


Once you’re onboard, we start with a 60-minute kick-off call to deep dive into your business and outline your priorities. You come out of it with a roadmap for our work together.


The rest of our sessions are based on what you outlined, and we agreed upon in the kick-off call. I check in with you personally and then intuitively at the beginning of each session to see what needs attention next.

Intuitive Growth Hacking Packages

Six Sessions


Two monthly payments of $1,050

  • 60 minutes each 

  • First session must be used for Discovery

  • Sessions booked as you need them; they never expire

Twelve Sessions


Three monthly payments of $1,330

  • 60 minutes each

  • First session must be used for Discovery

  • Sessions booked as you need them; they never expire

  • Offers 5% discount


    • This work with me comes in packages. You can get valuable insight to use for your business in one session, but I’ve learned that if you’re trying to make real long-term change for your business, momentum greatly increases your success rate. 

    • You can purchase 6 or 12, 60-minute sessions at a time and use them at whatever pace you want.  

    • Sessions take place over Zoom. If you want team members to join, they are welcome. However, I require the same point of contact for the duration of our work. 

    • Sessions are recorded, which you’ll have access to within 48 hours after every meeting.

  • Not at all. I’ve worked with clients who are in their pre-launch phase and don’t have all the pieces mapped out yet to owners who are already grossing multi-millions. This service is useful at any stage of growth.

  • It really depends on how fast you want insights on the many areas of your business. I’ve had clients want to do an entire business review and use all their sessions in a week and I’ve had owners use one session to test an insight and then come back weeks later for a next step. I’m happy to look at what might be best for you once we meet.

  • If a business is large or complex, my smaller package options are usually not enough to get through everything. I will create custom packages and/or can work on retainer. Please book a consult so we can discuss your needs. 

  • Along with paying in full through cash or credit, I offer monthly payment plans where you can break down the total cost monthly. Package 1 can be paid over two months and Package 2 can be paid over three months. (Please note: you cannot use the sessions you haven’t paid for yet if you are using the monthly option)

Interested in learning more?

Book a 20-minute free consult so we can discuss if this program is a good fit for you and next steps.