I’m Shannon

I'm a spiritual teacher who is dedicated to helping people transform through the power of energy awareness and intuition.

Intuition is in all of us

When it's put into practice, it allows for a human experience with greater depth and clarity — two states of being we can all benefit from. It allows us to live with more certainty about who we are, why we're here and where we're going. 

I grew up having intuitive experiences —

knowing things were going to happen and seeing things others couldn’t — but largely ignored this part of myself. As I made my way in the world as a young adult and my career in marketing flourished, I grew increasingly disconnected from myself. 

Twenty years ago, while I was at the height of a successful career in global business, I was led to a intuitive school. While I spent years developing every psychic ability I possibly could, it didn’t take long for me to realize what I had always inherently known but forgotten: 

When you turn on your intuition, you awaken to your spirit and the spirit of everything around you.

Without it, you feel as if you're missing something because you are  —  the connection to your self

When I discovered this, I was radically changed —

not only in how I perceived the world around me but also in how I experienced the gift of life. Since then, my mission is to help others tap into their awareness and turn on their vision as a way to truly see and connect with themselves. 

The beauty of seeing yourself in your truth, as opposed to what someone's told you about yourself, is that you heal and become free. And when you're free, you have power. The power to live a life that's yours. The power to transform into the highest expression of yourself.